About Us

Company Profile

MASI S.P.A is born in 1987 as the evolution of the former craft enterprise Masi Mario, founded in the fifties. The business improvement and continuity has been granted by adding the gained know-how and the admission of new members already well versed in the installation business. Consistently with that, the company has recruited an ex-chief executive and technical director of a leading company in this sector, which realized many important works all over the italian territory. A list of these works will be annexed to this profile.


Today, situated in Via Aretina, Florence, the company is active in the general installation business with a steady growing annual turnover.

We offer a full range of high quality services for management and installation of electrical and technological systems, focusing on after-sale services and maintenance needs.

We are also qualified for installation, modification, expansion and maintenance regarding protection, transfer, distribution and utilisation of electrical power, solar power facilities, data network, intrusion detection systems, fire alarm and detection, lightning protection systems and hydromechanical systems.


Our company holds the certificate of conformity BQVI/SINCERT N° 192014 to harmonised standard ISO 9001:2008.

We also hold the following attestations :

  • SOA N° 11550/05/00 dated 15/06/2017 for the following categories and classes :
    • OG10 (installation regarding High/medium voltage transformation and distribution of electric power in alternate and direct current mode and public lighting) Class I
    • OS30 (electrical,phone,radiotelephone and television installations) Class III.

Issued by SOA RINA S.p.a., head office Genova – Via Corsica 10/2.

  • Registration with Camera del Commercio di Firenze (Chamber of Commerce of Florence) for the activity “costruzione e manutenzione di impianti elettrici, meccanici e altro” (construction and maintenance of electrical,mechanical and other installations) recorded in Registro Ditte N°396915 and Tribunale di Firenze Registro Imprese N°48229.
    We also hold the abilitation from Camera del Commercio di Firenze to carry out electrical installations as per Decreto Ministeriale N°37/2008 – lettere A,B,C,D,E,G (Ministerial Decree N°37/2008 – letters A,B,C,D,E,G ).

Our Staff:

Our staff is autonomous in all stages of installation in their specific field, by means of adequate supply of tools, instrumentation, work equipment and means of transport.

We operate under safety conditions as per Decreto Legislativo N°81/2008 (Legislative Decree N°81/2008) and our staff is composed by capable employees, specialised and with professional training provided by constant training, information and classes on security and technics subjects run by qualified specialists.